by Brad Strong | Mar 10, 2017 | Blog, CAD Translation, What's New |
CAD dimensioning tools allow you to add dimensions to vertices, edges and faces, whether they are linear, arcs, planes or cylindrical. You can place the dimension wherever you like, move dimensions after the fact, control what type of units are being displayed, the...
by Brad Strong | Feb 27, 2017 | 3D Printing, Blog, CAD Performance, CAD Translation, Polygonal Output, What's New |
30 Years of STL From a humble beginning in 1987, when STL was developed by the Albert Consulting Group for 3D Systems, the format has been become a mainstay for 3D printing and has remained virtually unchanged over all these years. The name STL was derived from...
by Brad Strong | Feb 13, 2017 | 3D Printing, Blog, CAD Translation, Polygonal Output, What's New |
Pre-processing for polygon reduction is possible using polygon facet resolution settings. Since the Polygon Reduction tool starts with a default facet density, it can sometimes be useful to adjust that pre-set facet density to a higher value. More information about...
by Brad Strong | Jan 23, 2017 | Blog, CAD Translation, Support, What's New |
Do your translations look like this? If so, you’ve got problems! This is the actual result of a translation by a software solution we will not name here – but you can imagine how dismayed the user was when they saw this output! The user contacted us and we...
by Brad Strong | Jan 16, 2017 | Blog, CAD Viewing, Support, What's New |
All core TransMagic products allow you to calculate mass properties (weight, volume, centriod), surface area, create a bounding box, measure and add dimensions – but have you ever needed to calculate the length of straight or curved edges? You might need to know...