magicbatch-300w “Automate and optimize mass translation of CAD data from one format to any other format with instant geometry repair and customizable output options”
TransMagic MagicBatch allows you to perform unattended CAD translation of thousands of files per hour to the CAD or Polygonal format of your choice with access to a wide range of geometry and version read/write settings for optimized results. In addition, files can optionally be repaired as they are being translated. magic-batch_425w

Who’s A Good Fit For MagicBatch?

  • Job Shops and service bureaus who need to process large quantities of CAD files quickly.
  • Engineering and design departments who are looking for a solution to translate and repair massive CAD data.

The Industry Challenge

  • Time-consuming file open, file save-as processes
  • Tedious manual processes
  • Less than ideal tuning of neutral and native CAD formats.

The Industry Solution

  • Batch translation does not incur the cost of opening the file graphically, thus is much faster.
  • Literally thousands of files can be translated at one time.
  • Tune translations with exhaustive, precise settings options for best fit with your customer or client.


MagicCheck is an add-on to TransMagic SUPERVIEW, PRO or EXPERT. All of these core products read all available formats listed on our CAD Formats page. 


‘Write’ formats are dependent on your core TransMagic product; see our CAD Formats page for specific format coverage.

CAD Batch Translation with TransMagic MagicBatch from TransMagic Software on Vimeo.

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Grand Die Engravers Inc.
This translator is incredible!
– W. H., Grand Die Engravers Inc.

It works. It is a very decent product. It does everything that others seem to lack.
– J. P., Auto/Con

BRC Rubber & Plastics
TransMagic has reduced our translation cost by 80% and cut the average turnaround time from 2.5 days to 30 minutes.
– P. P., BRC Rubber & Plastics

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