TransMagic to Offer Complimentary Software for Remote Workers Affected by COVID-19 Crisis

TransMagic to Offer Complimentary Software for Remote Workers Affected by COVID-19 Crisis

By popular demand, this offer is extended to run until June 30, 2020. To help small businesses to be more productive during the COVID-19 crisis, TransMagic will be supplying 500 90-day complimentary licenses of our CAD viewing, healing and model validation software on a first come basis. This software will open all major 3D CAD formats and will be ideal for estimating/quoting, creating technical data packages, and compliance with Boeing D6-5991 specifications. These licenses will run 90 days. The exact configuration will be SUPERVIEW plus MagicHeal, for repairing geometry and creating water-tight solids, and MagicCheck, for high accuracy comparison between two...
How to Open a JT File

How to Open a JT File

JT is an unusual CAD file format which regularly causes some confusion amongst CAD users. This article will overview the JT format, explain what makes this format so unique, and show how to open a JT file. The JT Format JT is a CAD file format provided by Siemens PLM Software. JT stands for Jupiter Tessellation, which points to the fact that JT files are tessellated, or polygonal – also known as Viz-Rep, for ‘Visual Representation’; but what’s interesting about JT files is that they can also contain precise, CAD Brep geometry. So to be clear, JT files can contain both polygonal and CAD geometry. But, but in our experience, JT files only contain CAD Brep...
Keep Our Customers Working

Keep Our Customers Working

Dear TransMagic Customer: In response to the COVID-19 threat, we want to support the use of TransMagic licenses in any scenario. This notice is to inform you that you can transfer licenses to remote machines as necessary, and how to find additional help, if you need it. The first thing you should know is that TransMagic Standalone Licenses can be checked in and out. The process is explained below. If you need immediate assistance, please see the contact options at the bottom of this page. 1. Transfer Activation When you click on Transfer Activation, TransMagic will remove your license from the current machine, which frees the license up for your laptop or...
Choosing the Best CAD File Format

Choosing the Best CAD File Format

How do you choose the best CAD file format for any given situation? The CAD Format Ladder can help you optimize data exchange with your customer or supplier. At TransMagic we deal with thousands of CAD file translation and repair issues every year.  These issues can be minimized by using this rule of thumb: “When sending out CAD data, or receiving CAD data, go as high up on the CAD format ladder as possible.” Your best results will come from requesting a CAD format that is as high-up on the format ladder as they can give you.  You’ll also want to send data back to your customer in a format that is as high-up on the ladder as you can write. The higher you go on...
Do You Have These Production Bottlenecks?

Do You Have These Production Bottlenecks?

Normally, we think of production bottlenecks as occurring on the production floor; but there are upstream processes which can delay production as well as adversely impact manufacturing, quality assurance and scrap. CAD Viewing The inability for all project stakeholders to view and interact with CAD model data can become a production bottleneck, because 3D part and assembly models give the entire team a window into the project which could trigger necessary interventions early in the production process, before they become prohibitively expensive. CAD Viewers and 3D PDFs – This doesn’t mean all stakeholders need a full CAD seat, however; they might just...
NX Viewer

NX Viewer

TransMagic SUPERVIEW can View any NX or UG Format View any JT or Parasolid Format (both are Siemens formats) Zoom, Pan, Orbit, Save Named Views View PMI and Export PMI to 3D PDF so anyone can access it Change Color, Transparency and Cut Sections Measure, Dimension, Quote Generate Mass Properties, Surface Area and Bounding Box Optimize Settings for NX read, JT read, Parasolid read Optimize Polygon Output, Reduce Polygons and Write to Polygonal Formats See an 3-minute video overview below.   Writing CAD Formats If you need to write to CAD formats, consider our other core products: TransMagic PRO can write to neutral CAD formats such as STEP, IGES, Parasolid,...