TransMagic Blog

The TransMagic blog focuses on material to make you more productive with TransMagic and your other tools and procedures.

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TransMagic to Offer Complimentary Software for Remote Workers Affected by COVID-19 Crisis

TransMagic to Offer Complimentary Software for Remote Workers Affected by COVID-19 Crisis

By popular demand, this offer is extended to run until June 30, 2020. To help small businesses to be more productive during the COVID-19 crisis, TransMagic will be supplying 500 90-day complimentary licenses of our CAD viewing, healing and model validation software on...

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Keep Our Customers Working

Keep Our Customers Working

Dear TransMagic Customer: In response to the COVID-19 threat, we want to support the use of TransMagic licenses in any scenario. This notice is to inform you that you can transfer licenses to remote machines as necessary, and how to find additional help, if you need...

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NX Viewer

NX Viewer

TransMagic SUPERVIEW can View any NX or UG Format View any JT or Parasolid Format (both are Siemens formats) Zoom, Pan, Orbit, Save Named Views View PMI and Export PMI to 3D PDF so anyone can access it Change Color, Transparency and Cut Sections Measure, Dimension,...

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STEP to STL is a popular translation workflow. Let’s look at what this entails, and best practices. STEP STEP is a CAD Brep format developed in the 1980s as a successor to IGES, and like IGES is a neutral CAD format. STEP files can vary in quality depending on what...

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STEP Viewer

STEP Viewer

STEP Viewers can view STEP files which can have the .stp and .step file extensions. Viewing Tasks TransMagic’s STEP Viewer will view all types of STEP files, including STEP AP 203, 214 and 242, and can also perform the following tasks: View, zoom, pan, rotate Change...

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