TransMagic Blog

The TransMagic blog focuses on material to make you more productive with TransMagic and your other tools and procedures.

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Are Your CAD Tools Enough?

Are Your CAD Tools Enough?

Are your CAD tools empowering you to... Work faster and more efficiently? We have customers who have saved hours every week by batch translating, or simply converting massive assemblies to multibody parts for easier insertion into CAD PDM systems. What could speed...

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View CAD Files Faster

View CAD Files Faster

TransMagic’s new ‘QuickView Document’ option lets you open large parts and assemblies significantly faster than the standard ‘File Open’ – a few times faster, in some cases! I opened up several different formats at random, including STEP, CATPart, ACIS and Parasolid,...

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Life before IGES and STEP In the mid 1970s there were a handful of CAD vendors, often competing for the same business from large companies such as General Electric and Boeing. Some of the big vendors in those days were Applicon, CADAM, CATI (early CATIA), SDRC, Anvil,...

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CAD Software

CAD Software

What CAD Software Is CAD Software refers to software which allows you to create precise 2D or 3D geometry.  At the writing of this article, the vast majority of CAD software allows you to design in 3D. Precise 3D geometry is sometimes known as Brep geometry, whereas...

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3D Model Repair

3D Model Repair

3D model repair can cost companies an immense amount of time. Considering the costs to engineer and designer productivity, as well as the potential delays to critical projects, it is critical not to spend any more time or resources on repair than necessaary.  As...

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Avoid STL File Repair

Avoid STL File Repair

While there are various ways to perform STL repair, it’s best to avoid it in the first place if you can. If you are starting with a CAD file, that’s where the diagnostic and repair process should start, before intelligent geometry is degraded into non-intelligent STL...

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